Adventure Rentals
We have your outdoor gear needs covered. Come visit us at our convenient Jackson location.
Jackson Hole Leisure Sports Retail Shop is your premier destination for summer watersports in the heart of Jackson, WY.
Specializing in an array of outdoor activities, we offer everything you need for whitewater rafting, kayaking, paddleboarding, and camping adventures.
Our shop features a top selection of gear for each sport, including the highly sought-after AIRE rafts, NRS equipment, and YETI coolers.
Jackson Hole Leisure Sports Retail Shop is your go-to source for top-notch snowmobiling equipment in Jackson, WY. Whether you're gearing up for a thrilling ride through powdery backcountry or a scenic winter trek, we have you covered with our extensive selection of snowmobiling gear.
We proudly carry leading brands like Klim, 509, BCA, and Cheetah Factory Racing ensuring you have access to the highest quality clothing, safety equipment, and performance gear. From durable outerwear to cutting-edge avalanche safety gear, our shop is dedicated to enhancing your snowmobiling experience with the best products on the market.
At Jackson Hole Leisure Sports, you’ll find a curated selection of top-tier outdoor brands designed to elevate your adventures in the rugged beauty of the Tetons.
From YETI’s robust coolers and drinkware, perfect for keeping your refreshments cold on a hot summer hike, to BCA’s cutting-edge avalanche safety gear, ensuring your winter trips are safe, our retail shophas you covered.
*must have local ID to redeem.